Call for papers
Accepting submissions until 31st October
Editorial Policy
The Journal of Literature in Language Teaching, the refereed research journal of the Literature in Language Teaching (LiLT) Special Interest Group, invites research articles and research reports on using literature in language classrooms in Japanese and mainly Asian contexts. Submissions from international contexts are accepted based on overall interest and applicability to the journal’s readership. Further details can be found at <>
The editors encourage submissions in eight categories:
(1) FEATURE ARTICLES: Full-length articles, (Feature Articles, FA) detailing research or discussing theoretical issues. Between 2500-4000 words.
(2) LITERATURE IN PRACTICE: Slightly shorter, more directly practical than Feature Articles. Descriptions of how teachers use literature in their classes. Explain clearly for other teachers to be able to readily apply. 2000-3000 words.
Note: On occasion, select “My Share” style activities of how literature was used or advanced in your lessons may also be accepted (see [8] below).
(3) Interviews with SIG members: about themselves, their ideas and their teaching experiences using literature. Maximum 2500 words.
(4) Write-ups by presenters themselves of their recent presentations (format somewhat akin to proceedings.
(5) Conference reports by attendees at literature-themed events.
(6) Comments on previously published LiLT Journal articles ( Talk back ).
(7) Book and media reviews ( Reviews ).
(8) “My Share” description of original, effective activities for promoting literature.
Articles should be written for a general audience of language educators; therefore statistical techniques and specialized terms should be clearly explained.
*Authors are solely responsible for the accuracy of references and reference citations.
With slight modifications, this journal follows the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition. We recommend that authors consult recent copies of this journal for examples of documentation and references. For consistency, please use American punctuation conventions. Carefully formatted submissions in Pages, MS Word or Libre Office are all acceptable.
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