LiLT at JALT 2017: The LiLT Forum
Creativity, Poetry, Stylistics, and Culture
The Literature in Language Program Chairs, Steven Pattison and Paul Sevigny, are happy to announce details of this years LiLT Forum, “Creativity, Poetry, Stylistics, and Culture.”
Day: Saturday, November 18th
Time: 10:55 AM – 11:55 AM (60 minutes)
Room: 401
[Please feel free to download the info poster for the forum and share it on social media]
The Presenters
Malu Sciamarelli, The C Group
Creativity through Literature
Creativity should be central for language teachers as creative communication is both needed and crucial in today’s world. The use of literature is an effective way of encouraging creativity in language classes. However, sometimes it is difficult to get students interested in it. Including creative projects in lessons generates an environment of possibilities which offers choices and encourages students to play with ideas and words. The results can be refreshing, motivating and rewarding.
Atsushi Iida, Gunma University
Poetry and Japanese L2 Learners
The aim of this presentation is to discuss the issue of poetry and L2 learners in the Japanese university context. The presenter will describe how language teachers can use poetry as L2 literacy practice in the Japanese EFL classroom.
Steven Pattison, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
A Stylistics Approach to Literature in an L2 Classroom
In this presentation, I will outline a stylistics approach to teaching language through literature. I will focus on one of the texts read in an advanced-level course at a university in Japan, describing the process of heightening the students’ awareness of textual features and their implications both within the text and relative to its broader cultural context. I will make reference to excerpts from the story, stylistics training exercises, and work produced by students.
On the Road at Eighteen
Paul Sevigny, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
A Cultural-Stylistic Approach to L2 Short Story Writing
A cultural-stylistic approach to teaching creative short story writing can be especially appropriate for those about to study abroad or for returnees. Learners read short stories that illustrate various stages of the foreign sojourn that also introduce various stylistic elements accessible to the learners. Students worked in groups to write a cultural adaptation of Hemingway’s “Hills like White Elephants” earlier in the semester and then each student wrote their own short story and meta-analysis. I will refer to a work by a student who is glad to share it: “Sampaguita”:
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